Privacy policy.
Introduction – Commitment to Human Rights
AMA Hospitality has a strong commitment to its values of community, accountability, respect and excellence. In accordance with these values, and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, AMA Hospitality is committed to respecting and promoting human rights consistent with the International Bill of Rights (including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) and in the eight fundamental Conventions of the International Labour Organisation1.
AMA Hospitality operates wholly within Australia, a country with a long history of democratic government, judicial independence and high standards of governance, with legislative regimes relating to human rights including labour standards, privacy and non- discrimination.
AMA Hospitality respects and promotes human rights through our corporate policies, programs and initiatives, project and asset guidelines and toolkits, and broader governance and stakeholder management methods.
AMA Hospitality does not tolerate behaviour that is in breach of the law or our corporate policies.
Respecting and Promoting Human Rights
Corporate policies that reflect and support our commitment to respecting and promoting human rights include:
Code of Conduct and Ethical Behaviour
Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Policy
Fraud and Corruption Policy
Conflicts of Interest Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Flexible Working Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Procure to Pay Policy
Government and Stakeholder Engagement Policy
Privacy Policy
Sustainability Policy
Reconciliation Action Plan
These policies promote and respect fundamental human rights such as:
Right to equality
Freedom from discrimination
Right to a safe work environment
Right to family life
Right to rest and leisure
Right to fair remuneration
Freedom of association
Right to collective bargaining
Right to social security
Right to political participation
Right to privacy
Freedom of thought, conscience and religion
Rights of indigenous peoples
We also proactively promote human rights through our business activities and other initiatives, including (for example):
Right to own property
Providing affordable house and land packages
Right to work (and rights of the child)
Offering a range of employment support activities for school students living in and around our communities
Right to an adequate standard of living
Ensuring the quality and affordability of our products and services
Right to education
Supporting and delivering employee training and development as well as lifelong learning programs in our various communities
Right to physical and mental health
Supporting and delivering programs which promote health and wellbeing both in the workplace and in our communities
Right to participate in cultural life of the community
Supporting and delivering community programs which enhance sense of belonging and vitality
We strongly support and promote the rights of our employees and contractors and aim to create a vibrant, safe and inclusive work environment. The commitment and attitude of our workforce is critical to ensuring we operate in an ethical manner. Our corporate values (community, accountability, respect and excellence) and our Code of Conduct set the behaviour and conduct expected of all AMA Hospitality directors and employees.
We are committed to responsible procurement and sustainable supply chain management. We endeavour that our suppliers operate in a manner which is consistent with our values and standards by considering social, environmental and human rights- related factors in our procurement decisions. Our expectation is that our Suppliers comply with Australian state and federal legislation (including labour laws, environmental regulations and workplace health and safety standards). Our procurement guidelines give preference to Suppliers who demonstrate corporate responsibility and sustainability policies and practices which align with AMA Hospitality’s corporate values, objectives and standards.
Our commitment to our customers and communities is reflected in the products we offer and in the way we engage, value and respect our diverse range of customers. We regularly engage with our customers and communities to understand and respond to their changing needs. Our communities are also empowered and encouraged to engage with and assume ownership of development programs and initiatives.
We acknowledge that human rights risks and impacts relate not only to our business activities, but also to the relationships with our business partners. We monitor and encourage the respect of human rights in our dealings with key business partners, including government, through adherence to key corporate policies and stakeholder management methods.
Monitoring and Compliance
This policy has been endorsed by the Board and is supported by a series of processes to promote, monitor and evaluate compliance.
Policy Compliance
Employees who breach this policy may face disciplinary action up to and including dismissal
You must adhere to AMA Hospitality’s Escalation Policy in reporting any breach of this policy that you are involved in or become aware of and do so in a timely manner.
This policy is reviewed annually and when business changes occur, whichever is sooner.
Ali Akl